Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Latest news on transplant

I do not have final information but I thought I would let all of you know, what I know as of today. I had my MRI last week and it was slightly improved. Dr. Dubberke, my infectious disease doctor in St. Louis, has seen the report but has not seen the disks yet. He let me know today that he wants my to take the antibiotic I am on for a total of at least 6 weeks before I undergo the transplant. That takes me out to March 21. He will talk to Dr. Cashen, my transplant doctor, and she will call me and let me know when I will have the transplant. I will let you know when I know more.

Two of my sons are home for spring break this week. If my transplant is delayed I will get to spend more time with my them before they leave on Sunday. Isn't it great how God works things out!

My lab work has been stable. I still run a low potassium and magnesium despite taking supplements. That is from my antibiotic. I guess I will be taking the supplements for a while longer.

I still am feeling well but I get tired at the end of the day. I guess part of that is the low potassium and magnesium and some is from the antibiotic. I am sure some of it is also from the infection. Hopefully, that will all improve after I get over the infection and get off the antibiotics.

I was saddened this weekend when I heard that Dr. Drennan had died at home. He was one of the other surgeons here in town. He was instrumental in getting the paramedic program started here at Passavant hospital. He also flew a plane. A couple of years ago, we went to a meeting in Nashville and he flew us there and back in his plane. He also helped cover my patients when I would go out of town. He told a lot of stories about his time in the Navy. I enjoyed working with him. He was a friend of mine and I will miss him.

I hope to find out more about the timing of my transplant in the next day or two. When I know more, I will post the information. My family and I continue to appreciate your prayers for us. May God continue to bless us all!


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