Monday, February 4, 2008

Chemo Round 3 Day 22

Today has been a pretty good day for me, but not for Teresa. She came up to visit me today and she was very tired. We went over the mail and then she wanted to rest. I tried to take a nap so it would be quiet and she could sleep. I was the only one who actually got to sleep. I sent her home early due to the weather and how she felt. She called tonight and she has been sick to her stomach and vomited. She went to bed early. Please pray that she will feel better.

I have been able to walk and eat better today. My mouth and throat soreness is about gone. My throat is still swollen and I have to be careful when I swallow. I still have a tickle in my throat and I cough if I have to talk at all. My labs came back today and my platelet count and hemoglobin are exactly the same as yesterday. My white count is improved to 4.7 with 3400 neutrophils! My infectious disease doctor says I can go home tomorrow if my temperature stays below 38 degrees centigrade for 24 hours. Last night it made it to 38 and tonight it is 37.9. Dr. Lanzotti said that if infectious disease let me go home, so would he. If my platelet count goes down in the morning, I may need a transfusion. I could still have it and go home. I would love to go home tomorrow but if God wants me to stay then I obviously will still be here. I would gladly stay all week if that would help Teresa feel better.

Those of you who know me know that I love baseball and play a simulation game called Strat-O-Matic. I have played it for over 40 years! It is always a big deal when the new cards and computer version come out. Mine is supposed to come by UPS tomorrow. It would be great if I was home to get it but that is not up to me.

We continue to appreciate your prayers. I would rather you pray for her than me tonight. May God bless you like He has me. I hope He lets Teresa feel better tomorrow. May you have a great day!


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