Today has been a good day. Teresa was up early today and we got to spend some time together. She had to leave this afternoon so she could babysit Ian tonight. I wish I could be doing the baby sitting instead. My temperature has been a little better today. It got up to 38.3 earlier but I took some tylenol and it is down now. I did not have any episodes of passing out today, praise the Lord! I was able to eat OK and have been doing my walks.
The MRI I had last night shows that I probably also have a small brain abscess to go along with my other abscesses. The treatment for it is the same but may take longer to resolve. I tolerated my dose of amphotericin yesterday without any problems. Hopefully today's dose will also go well. Dr. O'Marro said that when my temperature stays down, we can consider going home and doing the antibiotics as an outpatient. He changed the timing of my dose to 5PM daily so that it will be more convenient if I do get to finish it as an outpatient.
My labs today showed my hemoglobin to be down a little at 8.9. It was 9.3 yesterday. My platelet count is 53,000 today after being 61,000 yesterday. My white count jumped from 2.8 yesterday to 14.5 today due to the shots I am getting to raise my white counts. My doctors believe I can eliminate the infections a lot quicker with a higher white count.
Hopefully, my temperature can stay down and I can be discharged early next week. My son, Michael has a college visit on February 18 and I am hoping to go on that visit. My next appointment at Barnes is supposed to be on Wednesday. Hopefully, I will be discharged in time for both! It would be nice to be home for Valentine's Day next week also.
God's plan seems to be falling in place. I need to continue to be patient(something I continue to need to work on). May God continue to bless you as He blesses me.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
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