Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Chemo Round 3 Day 24

Today has been another frustrating day. My temperature was up again last night to 102. My fever broke during the night. Dr. O' Marro was in this morning and said he planned no changes and I could probably go home tomorrow if my fevers stayed down. At noon my temperature was back up to 102 again. I did not feel well and slept a lot of the early afternoon. I took some Tylenol and by late afternoon I was feeling better. I got some work done for the office and for home and I am beginning to feel a little chilled again this evening. They will check my temperature again in 45 minutes. I did not feel like eating lunch today. I have ordered some supper. I have been able to walk. My swallowing is still slow and I still have a tickle in my throat. Dr. Lanzotti was in tonight. He does not know why I am still having fevers either. It just happens sometimes, he said.

My hemoglobin and my platelet count were up today. My white count was still OK but down a little from yesterday. My chest Xray was fine.

Teresa is feeling better today but we agreed she should stay home today and rest. She hopes to come up tomorrow. Hopefully, that will work out.

Dr. Lanzotti said I should call St. Louis tomorrow and let them know I am still having fevers so that they don't go too fast on the transplant date.

I will just have to wait and see what God has in store for me. May you have a great day tomorrow. I plan to. God is good!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My husband has never believed in God, but in reading the heartwarming Christian comments, he was beginning to think that maybe there was something to this God thing. Now the comments are no longer available for him to read. How sad.