Friday, April 18, 2008

Transplant Day 16

Today I wish I had better news. Doc is not doing well. Last night Doc's heart started into the irregular rapid heart beats again. It has lasted most of the day despite the medicine they have given him. There was a short time today while Pastor and Pat were here visiting that it went back to normal. Unfortunately tonight it is back to doing it again, so they have put him back on ICU status once more. Doc also started running a higher fever last night (it got up to 102.6, I think it was). Most of today it has been around 101. His liver is still really bad. The doctors are getting worried so they are planning on giving him the white blood cells I mentioned a couple of days ago. It will take at least 24 hours for them to be able to do that. The doctor also told me tonight that he is requesting that the donor donate more stem cells. He said they would normally wait for the 21 days to 28 days, but with all of the complications Doc is having they aren't going to wait. The doctor did say if Doc's counts go back up on their own they can cancel the donation. We are praying there won't be a problem with the donor donating again. The doctors still don't seem to have a good reason for why the counts have not started to come back up yet, I guess they really don't know. Doc will need blood tonight, but the platelet count hasn't come back yet so I don't know if he will need platelets again tonight or not. I am sure he probably will since his counts aren't up and he has needed them every night for quite a while.

I want to thank everyone that contributed to the wonderful basket of goodies and the bag of books that Pastor and Pat brought us today. All of the things will help to keep us occupied. It was really nice visiting with them today. The kids are coming to visit tomorrow. I know Doc is looking forward to seeing them and our grandson Ian. We really miss all of them. We understand with everything that is going on for them why they haven't been able to come more often. David will be graduating from law school in a few weeks. Jon is working on his new computer online company that he has started up. Daniel is finishing up his first year at college. Kim is pregnant with our second grandchild and has Ian to take care of. Michael is in high school, in jazz band, is working and is very involved in church. They all lead such busy lives.

I ask that you will continue to pray for Doc's counts to start coming up. The doctors have continued to tell me that if they did, most of Doc's complications would resolve themselves. I know he is in the Lord's hands and the Lord is listening to all of us.


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